12월, 2017의 게시물 표시

[Korea/Suwon] E-Mart Traders's grand size pizza.

   Hello. I am Mr. Strider. This is the first blog of about actual Korean life. Last time I wrote a blog how I would manager this blog.    Anyway I would like to introduce a large size market and discount market like Wallmart in USA. The name is 'E-Mart Traders'. There are so many 'E-Mart' stores in Korea. But, 'E-Mart Traders' is different with typical 'E-Mart'. It looks like a warehouse and sells foods and products as large size. Anyone can buy those with cheap price.     If you visit this store, I recommend you use shopping cart. Using only 100 won coin, anyone can rent shopping cart. 100 won coin is deposit. After return it right place, you can get it back.   Breads in upper pictures are only 4$~5$. Left bread package is about 4$. Right bread package is about 5$. Right breads are more delicious than left breads.     This is fresh salmon. Whole member of our family like salmon. 850g salmon